
#10 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Kebersihan Plus Artinya

Bicara tentang #10 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Kebersihan Plus Artinya adalah hal yang cukup menarik, terlebih untuk anda yang memang sedang mencari #10 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Kebersihan Plus Artinya. Nah kami sudah menyiapkan berbagai macam contoh pidato bahasa inggris, dengan bermacam-macam tema, mulai dari pidato perpisahan, pidato tema pendidikan, pidato tema lingkungan dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Pidato adalah kegiatan atau tindakan berbicara didepan umum untuk menyatakan pendapat atau memberikan gambaran tentang sesuatu hal. Pidato yang baik dapat memberikan kesan positif bagi orang yang mendengarnya, maka dalam berpidato dibutuhkan kepandaian dalam menyusun kata-kata dan isi supaya dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para pendengar. Namun bila kita diharuskan menyampaikan pidato berbahasa inggris tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah, itu sebabnya kami menyediakan contoh teks atau naskah pidato berbahasa inggris untuk Anda yang membutuhkannya.

#10 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Kebersihan Plus Artinya

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan Lingkungan - Menjaga kebersihan adalah kewajiban kita bersama, mengingat kita memang hidup di lingkungan. Nah kami sudah menyediakan beberapa contoh teks atau naskah pidato yang bertemakan kebersihan, kami juga melengkapinya dengan terjemahan supaya Anda dapat dengan mudah memahami isi dari pidato tersebut. Oke, selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan Lingkungan - Menjaga kebersihan adalah kewajiban kita bersama, mengingat kita memang hidup di lingkungan. Nah kami sudah menyediakan beberapa contoh teks atau naskah pidato yang bertemakan kebersihan, kami juga melengkapinya dengan terjemahan supaya Anda dapat dengan mudah memahami isi dari pidato tersebut. Oke, selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones; the juries, the participant of creative English speech contest and all audiences.

Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentlemen

To celebrate an annual event of Earth Day on April 22, today I would like to deliver a speech about “Our Environment”.

Realize it or not, we live in this world depends on the environment, we drink water from our environment, we breath air from our environment and we eat foods which are planted from our environment. Our environment has a great influence in our live. Our environment gives us life. Good or bad the condition of our environment will definitely affect our live even our existence. Our environment is our life.

Let’s close our eyes and remember few years back. Few years ago, there were many green trees around us but now those green trees are gone and replaced with grey stiff buildings.  Few years ago, we could still breath deeper to fill our lung with fresh air of oxygen but now that refreshing oxygen was gone and replaced with thick Carbon Monoxide. Few years ago, we could still look at our reflections on the river because of the clear water but now those reflection was gone and replaced with pale face of trash.

Grey stiff building that we see, carbon monoxide that we breath, and polluted water that we drink become our daily menu right now. Do we just stay still and enjoy those bitter menu everyday? Or we can do something small hoping to see green trees, breath fresh oxygen, and drink clear water once more.

Ladies and gentlemen

Small action such as planting some trees, put trash in the right place, save electricity, and reduce the usage of motor vehicle will save our environment from destruction. If those small actions are done by people in this world, it will create an opportunity to restore our environment from destruction once more.

The future condition of our environment depends on us. We who live now have a big responsibility to restore our environment so in the future we can still live a better life. Remember my friends, our environment is our life. If it is destroyed, our life will be destroyed too. Treat it well and it will treat us well.

That is all my speech. I hope my brief speech about the environment will be useful for us.  And also I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Yang terhormat: para juri, perserta lomba pidato bahasa Inggris dan semua audien.Sebelum saya memulai untuk menyampaikan pidato ini, saya ingin mengajak kalian semua untuk bersyukur kehadirat Allah yang maha kuasa, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga kita bisa berkumpul di tempat yang diberkati ini. Dan juga mari kita panjatkan sholawat dan salam untuk nabi kita Muhammad SAW, yang telah membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan ke zaman yang terang benerang.
Hadirin yang terhormat

Untuk merayakan event tahunan Hari Dunia, hari ini saya akan menyampaikan sebuah pidato tentang “lingkungan kita”.

Sadari atau tidak, kita hidup di dunia ini tergantug pada lingkungan, kita minum ari dari lingkngan kita, kita menghirup udara dari lingkugan kita dan kita memamakn makanan yang ditanam dari lingkungan kita. Lingkungan kita memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam kehidupan kita. Lingkungan kita memberi kita kehidupan. Baik atau buruknya lingkungan kita akan berpengaruh pada kehidupan kita bahkan keberadaan kita. Lingkungan kita adalah hidup kita.

Mari kita tutup mata sejenak dan ingatlah kembali beberapa tahun kebelakang. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, masih banyak terdapat pohon hijau di sekeliling kita tapi sekarang pohon-pohon hijau tersebut lenyap dan digantikan dengan bangunan kaku berwarna abu-abu. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, kita masih bisa bernafas dengan dalam mengisi paru-paru kita dengan udara yang segar tapi sekarang oxygen yang menyegarkan tersebut lenyap dan digantikan dengan karbon monoksida yang pekat. Beberapa tahu yang lalu, kita masih bisa melihat bayangan kita pada sungai karena kejernihan airnya tetapi sekarang bayangan tersebut lenyap dan digantikan dengan wajah pucat sampah-sampah.

Gedung-gendung abu-abu yang kita lihat, karbon monksida yang kita hirup, dan air tercemar yang kita minum seakan menjadi menu kita sehari-hari sekarang. Apakah kita hanya diam dan menikmati menu pahit tersebut setiap hari? Ataukah kita bisa melakukan sesuatu hal kecil berharap untuk melihat kemabli hijaunya pohon, merasakan kemabli kesegaran oxigen dan minum air yang jernih sekali lagi.

Hadirin sekalian

Hal-hal kecil seperti menanam pohon, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, menghemat listrik dan mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan bermotor akan menyelamatkan lingkungan kita dari kehancuran. Jika hal-hal kecil tersebut dilakukan oleh banyak orang di dunia ini, akan menciptakan sebuah kesempatan untuk mengembalikan lingkungan kita dari kehancuran sekali lagi.

Kondisi lingkungan kita di masa depan tergantung pada kita. Kita yang hidup sekarang ini mempunya sebuah tanggung jawab yang besar untuk mengembalikan linkungan kita suapaya di masa depan kita masih hidup dengan baik. Ingatlah teman ku, lingkungan kita adalah kehidupan kita. Jika lingkungan kita rusak, rusak pula kehidupan kita. Perlakukan lingkungan dengan baik dan lingkungan akan memperlakukan kita dengan baik.

Saya rasa itulah semua dari pidato saya. Saya harap pidato singkat saya tentang lingkungan akan berguna untuk kita. Dan juga saya ingin meminta maaf untuk semua kesalahan saya. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Good morning

The honorable Mr. Gunawa Syahputra as the principal

The Honorable al teachers and administrative staff of SMAN 23 Bandarlampung

And all my beloved friend

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT who always gives us grace and also to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and friends. On this day I will deliver a speech entitled “Keeping the Environment in Schools”.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Environment is a place where living things live in this world. In addition human life cannot be separated from its environment. Therefore, we must keep our environment so that we can live comfortably in it. To preserve the environment, we must maintain the cleanliness because cleanliness is a reflection of a healthy environment. Keeping the environment can be started from small things like, dispose of waste in place, cleaning our homes and much more.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Currently, the awareness to maintain cleanliness of the environment is very concerning. We are so indifferent to the cleanliness of our environment. That can be seen from our school environment which is still a lot of trash. Then who is responsible for it all? Cleanliness of our school environment is not only the responsibility of the school’s janitor, but it is responsibility of everyone who is stay in school such as students, teachers, and also staff at the school. We are all involved in keeping our school environment. The amount of garbage in our school is because we are lazy to dispose the trash in its place. We do not know that it would endanger our own health. The rubbish which is piling up can cause various diseases. For example: dengue disease because rubbish heap could be the breeding place of dengue mosquitoes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We as knowledgeable person should feel uncomfortable with the condition of our current school environment. So through this speech I invite all peoples who are involved in this school get together to start cleaning up our school environment. There are so many ways that we can do to clean up our school environment.

The first is we have to get used to disposing the rubbish in its place. Do not be lazy just to take out the trash. If we had been get used to throwing trash in its place, certainly garbage will not accumulate in our school any more.

The second is we must optimize the picket duty which had been made. Even if necessary, students who don’t do picket should be punished. Cleaning class every day before class begins will make us comfortable in learning so that we can more easily understand what the teacher teaches.

The last is we have to work together to clean up our school environment by cleaning up each corner of our school such as, cleaning toilets, school pages, and gutters.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In closing, I would convey a proverb that says Cleanliness is half of faith. Therefore let us keep our school environment in order to create a comfortable environment.

That is the speech that I can say. I am sorry if there are mistakes in delivering the speech. Thank you for your attention.

WalbilaihiTaufikWalhidayahWassalamu’alaikum WW


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Selamat pagi

Yang saya hormati Bapak kepala sekolah

Yang saya hormati seluruh jajaran dewan guru beserta staff

Yang saya sayangi sahabt-sahabatku semuanya ….

pertama-tama, marilah kita bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang selalu memberikan rahmat kepaada kita. dan juga kepada nabi Muhammada SAW, keluarga dan sahabatnya. Pada hari ini saya akan menyampaikan sebuah pidato tentang “Menjaga Lingkungan Di Sekolah”.

Hadirin yang saya hormati,

Lingkungan adalah tempat dimana makhluk hidup tinggal di dunia ini. Kehidupan manusia juga tidak bisa dipisahkan dari lingkungannya. Oleh karena itu kita harus menjaga lingkungan kita agar kita bisa hidup dengan nyaman di dalamnya. Untuk menjaga lingkungan, kita harus menjaga kebersihan karena kebersihan adalah cerminan dari lingkungan yang sehat. Menjaga kebersihan lingkungan bisa dimulai dari hal-hal kecil seperti, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, membersihkan rumah kita dan masih banyak lagi.

Hadirin yang saya hormati,

Saat ini kesadaran untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sangatlah memprihatinkan. Kita seolah acuh dengan kebersihan lingkungan kita sendiri. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dari lingkungan sekolah kita yang masih banyak sampah. Lalu siapakah yang bertanggung jawab akan hal itu semua? kebersihan lingkungan sekolah kita bukan hanya tanggung jawab penjaga sekolah tetapi semua orang yang ada di dalam sekolah seperti siswa, guru dan juga para staff di sekolah. Kita semua ikut terlibat dalam menjaga lingkungan sekolah ini. Banyaknya sampah yang ada di sekolah kita ini dikarenakan kita malas untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Kita tidak mengetahui bahwa hal itu akan membahayakan kesehatan kita sendiri. Sampah-sampah yang menumpuk tersebut bisa menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit. Salah satunya adalah demam berdarah karena tumpukan sampah itu bisa menjadi tempat berkembang nyamuk dengue.

Hadirin yang saya hormati,

Sebagai orang yang berilmu, kita seharusnya risih dengan keadaan lingkungan sekolah kita sekarang ini. Untuk itulah melalui pidato ini saya mengajak semua pihak yang ada di sekolah untuk bersama-sama mulai membersihkan lingkungan sekolah kita. Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk membersihkan lingkungan sekolah kita.

Yang pertama adalah kita harus membiasakan diri membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Janganlah merasa malas hanya untuk membuang sampah. Jika kita sudah membiasakan membuang sampah pada tempatnya, pasti sampah tidak akan menumpuk di sekolah kita lagi.

Yang kedua adalah kita harus mengoptimalkan tugas piket yang telah dibuat. Bahkan jika perlu, Siswa yang tidak melaksanakan piket harus diberi hukuman. Membersihkan kelas setiap hari sebelum pelajaran dimulai akan membuat kita nyaman dalam belajar sehingga kita bisa lebih mudah mengerti apa yang guru ajarkan.

yang terakhir adalah kita harus bergotong royong membersihkan lingkungan sekolah kita dengan membersihkan setipa sudut sekolah seperti, membersihkan toilet, halaman sekolah, dan selokan.

Hadirin yang saya hormati,

Sebagai penutup, saya akan meyampaikan sebuah pepatah yang berbunyi Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman. oleh karena itu marilah kita menjaga kebersian lingkungan sekolah kita agar tercipta lingkungan yang nyaman.

Demikianlah pidato yang dapat saya sampaikan mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan dalam bertutur kata. Atas perhatiannya sayaucapkan terimakasih dan saya akhiri.

WalbilaihiTaufikWalhidayahWassalamu’alaikum W.W.


Pidato Bahasa Inggris ke-3

Assalamualakum Wr Wb

Best wishes for all of us

All of my friends that I love,

In this a great moment, let me give a speech in the context of World Environment Day, to be reflections for all my brothers. But let’s say your previous our gratitude to Almighty God for all that we are blessed with an abundance of blessings for health and the opportunity to gather in this place.My brothers and sisters,

Almost every day we hear news of logging-illegal logging blindly committed by rogue elements who have no concern for environmental sustainability. It’s heart was deeply concerned over the bad habits done by people on behalf of the business and then put aside for forests is a surrogate children and grandchildren later.How many thousands of cubic meters of wood has been their history. While after that they left the land that has been so critical that endanger our brothers the other with the possibility of a flood disaster which threatens at any time.My brothers and sisters,

Realize, that our environment is an interlinked system between one and another. If one part is broken then the other parts also will feel the consequences.

Therefore, let’s stop destroying the forest, illegal logging and deforestation are the only important aspect of the business without going to care about the environment.

Preserve our environment as an expression of our gratitude to the Creator. Give the rights of our children and grandchildren in the form of a sustainable nature for the survival of all natural components.

Thank you for your attention-my friends. So.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.


Assalamualakum Wr Wb

Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air yang saya cintai,

Melalui sebuah momen yang sangat tepat ini, perkenankan saya menyampaikan pidato dalam rangka Hari Lingkungan Hidup, untuk dijadikan renungan bagi Saudara-saudaraku semua. Namun sebelumnya marilah kita memanjatkan rasa syukur kita kepada Tuhan YME atas segala limpahan rahmatNya sehingga kita dikaruniai kesehatan dan kesempatan untuk berkumpul di tempat ini.


Hampir setiap hari kita mendengar berita tentang adanya penebangan-penebangan liar yang membabi buta yang dilakukan oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak punya kepedulian terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Sungguh hati ini merasa sangat prihatin atas kebiasaan buruk yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mengatasnamakan bisnis kemudian mengesampingkan kelestarian hutan yang merupakan titipan anak cucu kita nanti.

Berapa ribu meter kubik kayu telah mereka jarah. Sementara setelah itu mereka tinggalkan lahan yang sudah sedemikian kritis yang sangat membahayakan saudara-saudara kita yang lain dengan kemungkinan bencana banjir yang siap mengancam setiap saat.


Sadarlah, bahwa lingkungan kita ini merupakan sebuah sistem yang saling terkait antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Jika salah satu bagiannya kita rusak maka bagian yang lain juga akan merasakan akibatnya.

Maka dari itu, sudahilah kegiatan merusak hutan, penebangan liar dan pembabatan hutan yang hanya mementingkan aspek bisnis tanpa mau peduli terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.

Lestarikan lingkungan kita sebagai wujud syukur kita kepada Sang Maha Pencipta. Berikan hak-hak anak cucu kita berupa alam yang lestari untuk kelangsungan hidup segenap komponen alam.

Terima kasih atas perhatian Saudara-Saudaraku. Sekian. Wassalamu’alaikum WrWb.


Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First Of all, Let's thanks to our god Allah Swt, Who has Given us Health and bless so we can attend in this place. The Second Let's say shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Saw. Because him we are living in Islam now.

My speech this time is about cleanliness.

As our prophet say that cleanliness is a part of faith, we should always keep ourselves clean, not only prophet, but all people who have a healthy mindset will love cleanliness and encourage it.

As the doctors say, that dirty place is a den of disease, the dirtier the place, the bacteria will breed more quickly, therefore, we must always keep our environment clean and remind our family, friends and ourselves to always keep cleanliness because cleanliness is a reflection of a good person
That's all I can say, thank you for all the attention

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Terjemahan atau Artinya:

Pertama tama, Marilah kita bersyukur kepada Allah Swt. yang memberikan kita kesehatan dan keberkahan sehingga kita dapat berkumpul di tempat ini.yang kedua marilah kita ucapkan Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad Saw. karenanya , kita dapat hidup sebagai Islam sekarang .

pidato saya kali ini adalah tentang kebersihan.

Sebagaimana yang disampaikan nabi kita, bahwa kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman, maka dari itu hendaknya kita selalu menjaga diri kita agar tetap bersih, bukan hanya dianjurkan oleh nabi, tetapi semua orang yang mempunyai pola pikir yang sehat pasti suka kebersihan dan menganjurkannya.

Seperti kata dokter, bahwa tempat yang kotor adalah sarang penyakit, semakin kotor suatu tempat, maka bakteri akan lebih cepat berkembang biak , oleh karena itu, kita harus selalu menjaga lingkungan kita agar tetap bersih dan mengingatkan keluarga, teman maupun diri kita sendiri agar selalu menjaga kebersihan karena kebersihan adalah cerminan orang yang baik

Hanya itu sajalah yang dapat saya sampaikan, terima kasih atas segala perhatian

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh



Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Let us together praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings and gifts so that we can stand in this sunny day together with a good health.

Ladies and gentlemen..

First of all, we need to realize that the environment is a livelihood for all of human beings including us. So, we have to keep our environment well to make it everlasting in all of the generation. It is dangerous if we do not take care it in a good way because the nature which should generate a profit to us, will be turn into a damage. For the example, if we do not keep the cleanliness of this school, it can produce a virus which will attack all of us. So, one of the way to make the environment does not provide a disaster for us is maintaining the cleanliness itself.

Before we keep the environment, then we have to know in advance what the environmental cleanliness is. The real meaning of environmental hygiene is a situation where the environment is livable for human and the physical state of human health can be maintained well.

Ladies and gentlemen..

Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness is the best way to prevent a variety of diseases that lurk in the rainy season as happen right now. Keeping the environment clean up can begin from this beloved school. If our school is known as a clean living, we as the inhabitants of this school are also affected by the positive impact of teaching and learning process which more comfortable.

Maintaining a cleanliness of the school environment can be done by removing the rubbish and put into a dump. Furthermore, picket should conduct in the regular daily classes. If those two simple habits are done continuously by all of the individuals of this school, I believe that our dream to realize the clean living place will come true.

Ladies and gentlemen..

In closing, I quote a saying that “cleanliness is part of faith” so if someone does not care about cleanliness then it is actually they do not a full believer. Next, I also hope we as the human beings can be more active in keeping the environment to be clean.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.


Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan:

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable Mr. / Mrs/ Teachers.

As well as all my friends that I love.

First of all, let us pray our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing and the gift so that we can all come together in this place in good health.

Mr / Ms teachers and friends,

Before I begin this speech, I will remind about the slogans attached to almost every corridor of our school, including “cleanliness is the root of health”, “cleanliness is part of faith”, and “keep cleaning”. But do these slogans have inspired us to put it into practice? We often see students littering, either in the form of used paper and packs everywhere.

Of course we as a school community does not want to see the garbage strewn everywhere. The trash can also pollute the environment of our schools, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. In addition, the gross school environment also can make our learning environment becomes uncomfortable.

The school environment should always look clean, airy, and reassuring so that when we learn, we are no longer bothered with the inconvenience of the trash. Therefore, I am as the part of this school really want to watch over the cleanliness of the school environment we love. Each class should now have its own discipline on the importance of cleanliness. The students who have a picket schedule must arrive early so that when the first lesson has been started, the classroom environment will be clean and comfortable for the instruction.

My beloved teachers and friends,

In order to achieve a clean and comfortable environment in which we learn, it is essential to do the action that is inviting awareness to each student to maintain hygiene to overcome the problems. The educators are expected to able to sensitize students to maintain cleanliness in the school environment.

My beloved teachers and friends,

In addition, we can also run as a class picket action to keep the environment in school and get used to sort the waste in accordance with the group before being put into the trash.

The kind of waste is divided into three, namely:

1. Wet waste. It is waste that is biodegradable and rot.
For example: food scraps, vegetable, fruit, garden waste and kitchen waste.

2. Dry Garbage. It is garbage that can not rot and decompose naturally.
For example: paper, cardboard, plastic, rubber, glass, cans and others.

3. Hazardous and Toxic Materials. It is the toxic waste and reactive seriously endanger the health and life of the organism.
For example: batteries, paint, pesticides, trash hospitals, and others.

So I expect the students to dispose of waste in place in accordance with the types of garbage.

My beloved teachers and friends,

We all do not want our schools become dirty, rundown and full of rubbish. The rubbish was also pollute the environment both in the classroom and outside the classroom, but it also can cause an uncomfortable atmosphere for learning our end we did with lessons given concentration of father / mother a teacher.

My beloved teachers and friends,

I hope that through such efforts, the teachers can sensitize students to maintain the cleanliness of the school environment. Cleanliness big impact on health and therefore hygiene should be maintained by us and for us as well.

Remember that the school environment should be an environment that looks clean, airy and comfortable, so that people who are in it will be convenient when they are in the process of seeking knowledge. Therefore, I requested and appealed to all citizens of this school to always keep our environment clean so that the school environment will be clean and the teaching learning istruction can run well. Let us sit down together to raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness of the school environment. Because the cleanliness of the school environment is of course not only the responsibility of the gardener, but the responsibility of all of the entire school community.

Before I end this speech, I would like to invite all my friends to go hand in hand to maintain a school environment that we love clean and healthy.
That is all my speech for today. Thank you so much for the participation and attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Menjaga Kebersihan di Lingkungan Sekolah

Menjaga kebersihan sekolah merupakan sebuah kewajiban yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Pesan tersebut juga disampaikan dalam pidato bahasa Inggris berikut ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Good morning

The honorable Mr. Sudjarwo tedjo as the Principal, the honorable all teachers, and all my dearest friends. First of all, let us pray and praise to God for His blessings so that we can come together in this place in a good health.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Before I begin this speech, I will remind you about hygiene slogans which are attached to almost every corner of our school, such as: “clean is the base of health”, “cleanliness is part of faith”, “keep the cleanness” etc. But in fact, whether those slogans make us maintain cleanliness at this school? The reality is not. Even people often throw garbage anywhere. Nowadays, the awareness to maintain cleanliness in our schools has gone. We can see from our school environment that still contained a lot of garbage, such as:  scattered trash, garbage plastic food and beverage, and paper.  We don’t know that it can contaminate our school environment, both inside and outside the classroom, in addition the dirty of our school environment make our learning environment becomes uncomfortable to study and raise all kinds of diseases in here.
Baca juga:  Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan Beserta Artinya
Ladies and Gentlemen

In order to make our school environment clean and comfortable, we have to do some actions to raise the awareness of the school party to keep the cleanness. There are so many things that we can do to create a clean environment in our schools. The first is, we need to have the awareness of the importance of cleanliness in ourselves. We must accustom ourselves to dispose the garbage in its proper place. The second is, let us make one day in a week just to clean the schools. We can work together to clean school’s gutter, clean toilets and much more. We also can separate the types of garbage in our school so that we can reuse them. As we know, there are three type of garbage, namely:

1. Organic waste. It is kind of garbage that easy to unravel and decompose by bacteria.
For examples:  leftover food, vegetables and fruits, garden waste and kitchen waste.

2. Unorganic waste. It is garbage that cannot be unraveled rot and decomposed naturally,
For example: paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, rubber, glass, cans, etc.

3. Chemical waste.  It is toxic and reactive garbage which seriously endangers the health and life of the organism. Example: batteries, paint, pesticides, trash laboratories, etc.

By dividing these 3 kinds of trash we can manage the garbage that has been gathered to be reused or not. For example: we can make organic waste into compost. Inorganic waste can be recycled and chemical trash we can get rid of school because it is danger for us.

The last is re-optimizing the picket schedule that has been applied. So that the class will be clean and comfortable to be a place of learning. I hope that through these actions can be expected to sensitize the students to maintain a healthy school environment because the cleanness can impact on the health of all its inhabitants. Therefore we need to keep the cleanliness so that we can learn comfortably and avoid the disease that can be caused by garbage and dirty environment.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As closing in this speech, I would like to invite all teachers and friends to go hand in hand maintaining a school environment that we love to be a learning place which is conducive and comfortable for us. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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