#11 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Pramuka dan Artinya
Bicara tentang #11 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Pramuka dan Artinya adalah hal yang cukup menarik, terlebih untuk anda yang memang sedang mencari #11 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Pramuka dan Artinya. Nah kami sudah menyiapkan berbagai macam contoh pidato bahasa inggris, dengan bermacam-macam tema, mulai dari pidato perpisahan, pidato tema pendidikan, pidato tema lingkungan dan banyak lagi lainnya.
Pidato adalah kegiatan atau tindakan berbicara didepan umum untuk menyatakan pendapat atau memberikan gambaran tentang sesuatu hal. Pidato yang baik dapat memberikan kesan positif bagi orang yang mendengarnya, maka dalam berpidato dibutuhkan kepandaian dalam menyusun kata-kata dan isi supaya dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para pendengar. Namun bila kita diharuskan menyampaikan pidato berbahasa inggris tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah, itu sebabnya kami menyediakan contoh teks atau naskah pidato berbahasa inggris untuk Anda yang membutuhkannya.
Pidato Pramuka
Assalammualaikum Wr. wb
Greetings Scouts!
Dear Father and mother Board of coach, the honorable guests of the invitation, and sister–my sister is all I love and am proud of.
First of all let us praise and the presence of the Almighty God who has given grace, so that we can gather here in commemorating the day Scouting the 56 year 2017.
O sister–my sister next generation nation, we as youth Scout for a moment let us reflect on ourselves to understand the meaning and function of Scouting. Maybe this time we can only follow the Scout activities without knowing the meaning of the Scout actually is.
Scout itself comes from the word Praja Muda Karana which means a bunch of young kids who love to work. We as young people must be able to work by filling out the positive things in our lives, one of them with the Scout commemorates this time.
The Scout function that is essentially an activity of interest to a group of young children. Exciting activities here is not squandering activities and have fun, but exciting activities here is an activity that contains elements of education.
For the adult Scout activities are certainly not the one just filled with activities that are interesting and fun. But the Scouts themselves is an activity that required sincerity, willingness, and devotion in running it.
Therefore, the actual Scout function is an activity that is intended as a means of helping communities and organizations. So Scout activities during these exercises given by the Board of coach was only as a tool only and not for the purpose of his education.
Pat Scout … … … … … …
The purpose of the activities of the Scout actually is very precious to educate the young generation today to positive things with the basis and method of the Scout activities in accordance with the norms of the community.
In this way it will be retrieved a member of scouts that have morals, attitudes and manners that wise. It also will make the human being who has the soul of Pancasila, loyal and obedient to the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. So that we are the next generation of the nation will be useful and beneficial to the development of the nation and the State.
Before I end this speech, I told my sister to sister–so that we commemorate the day this Scout with the change for a better view of life, because of all the dreams that we hope can be realized if we become someone who is thoughtful and better than ever.
Greetings Scouts!
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Assalammualaikum Wr.wb
Salam Pramuka !
Yang terhormat Bapak dan Ibu Dewan Pembina Pramuka, yang terhormat para tamu undangan, dan adik-adik saya sekalian yang saya cintai dan saya banggakan.
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan Puja dan Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul disini dalam memperingati hari Pramuka yang ke-56 tahun 2017.
Wahai adik-adik saya generasi penerus bangsa, kita sebagai muda-mudi pramuka sejenak marilah kita merenungkan diri untuk memahami arti dan fungsi Pramuka yang sebenarnya. Mungkin selama ini kita hanya bisa mengikuti kegiatan pramuka saja tanpa mengetahui arti pramuka yang sebenarnya.
Pramuka itu sendiri berasal dari kata Praja Muda Karana yang mengandung arti sekumpulan anak-anak muda yang suka berkarya. Kita sebagai anak muda haruslah bisa berkarya dengan mengisi hal-hal yang positif didalam hidup kita, salah satunya dengan memperingati hari pramuka kali ini.
Pada dasarnya fungsi pramuka yaitu suatu kegiatan menarik bagi sekumpulan anak muda. Kegiatan menarik disini bukanlah kegiatan yang menghambur-hamburkan dan bersenang-senang saja, akan tetapi kegiatan menarik disini merupakan kegiatan yang mengandung unsur pndidikan.
Bagi para orang dewasa tentu kegiatan pramuka tidak lah hanya diisi dengan kegiatan yang menarik dan bersenang-senang saja. Akan tetapi pramuka sendiri merupakan kegiatan yang diperlukan keikhlasan, kerelaan, dan pengabdian dalam menjalankannya.
Oleh karena itu, fungsi pramuka yang sebenarnya ialah suatu kegiatan yang ditujukan sebagai alat membantu masyarakat dan organisasi. Jadi latihan kegiatan pramuka selama ini yang diberikan oleh dewan pembina pramuka hanya sebagai alat saja dan bukan untuk tujuan pendidikannya.
Tepuk Pramuka………………
Tujuan kegiatan pramuka yang sebenarnya sangatlah mulia yakni untuk mendidik generasi muda jaman sekarang ke hal-hal positif dengan adanya dasar dan metode kegiatan pramuka yang sesuai dengan norma-norma masyarakat yang berlaku.
Dengan begini maka akan diperoleh suatu anggota pramuka yang memiliki moral, mental dan budi pekerti yang bijaksana. Selain itu juga akan menjadikan manusia yang memiliki jiwa Pancasila, setia dan patuh kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Sehingga kita para generasi penerus bangsa akan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pembangunan bangsa dan negara.
Sebelum saya akhiri pidato ini, saya berpesan kepada adik-adik saya agar kita memperingati hari Pramuka ini dengan mengubah pandangan hidup yang lebih baik lagi, karena semua mimpi yang kita harapkan bisa terwujud jika kita menjadi seseorang yang bijaksana dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Salam Pramuka !
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb
Building a Character nation in boy scout movement
Assalamu alaikum WR.WB
Often we hear the criticism that the nation lacked character. Culture of mutual cooperation, togetherness, persistent, hospitality and so the first we hear in lessons at school the more difficult we find in reality. Conversely, which appears on the surface is negative phenomena. Violence, mass rage, riots, corruption, and so on adding more and more blurred the face of the nation.
Therefore, development is now necessary to revitalize the nation's character like a character, competitive, noble, and moral. Next is a character cooperate, patriotic, and culturally dynamic and oriented towards science and technology. Young people as the heir to the land shall inherit the characters above.
To make it happen, for example, can be through the activity of the Scout Movement. Scouting educational method is an interactive teaching-learning process, which is carried out in the open air in the form of the game is challenging, interesting and fun. This process is carried out in groups in separate units, to be competitive and apply the skills sign system.
In the context of the above character development, the Scout Movement Boy Scouts also have the Dasa Darma. Principle it contains 10 values that should be practiced, namely piety to God Almighty, love of nature and human affection, the courteous and knightly patriot, submissive and likes to confabulate, willing to help and steadfast, diligent, skilled and happy. Subsequent values of thrift, careful and humble, disciplined, brave and loyal, responsible and trustworthy, and the pure in thought, word and deed.
These principles are normatively good and noble. But in order to revitalize the Scout Movement, other efforts to push for immediate discussion of the Scout Movement Bill, should also be done step by step more bold and progressive. For instance could be through changes in the logo or symbol as part of the refreshment and strengthening branding, involving as many young component in the management at the central (Kwarnas), or else by selecting some of the trusted public figure to become ambassador Scouts.
Membangun Karakter bangsa dalam gerakan pramuka
Assalamu alaikum WR.WB
Sering kita mendengar kritik bahwa bangsa ini dianggap kurang memiliki karakter. Budaya gotong royong, kebersamaan, gigih, keramahtamahan dan seterusnya yang dulu kita dengar dalam pelajaran di sekolah makin sulit kita temukan dalam kenyataan. Sebaliknya, yang muncul dipermukaan adalah fenomena-fenomena negatif. Kekerasan, amuk massa, kericuhan, korupsi, dan seterusnya makin menambah buram wajah bangsa.
Oleh karena itulah, kini perlu dilakukan revitalisasi pembangunan karakter bangsa seperti karakter tangguh, kompetitif, berakhlak mulia, bermoral, dan bertoleran. Selanjutnya adalah karakter bergotong-royong, patriotik, dinamis dan berbudaya dan berorientasi kepada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kaum muda sebagai pewaris negeri harus mewarisi karakter diatas.
Untuk mewujudkannya, misalnya dapat melalui aktifitas dalam Gerakan Pramuka. Metoda pendidikan kepramukaan adalah proses belajar mengajar yang interaktif dan progresif, yaitu dilaksanakan di alam terbuka dalam bentuk permainan yang menantang, menarik dan menyenangkan. Proses ini dilakukan secara berkelompok dalam satuan terpisah, bersifat kompetitif dan menerapkan sistem tanda kecakapan.
Dalam konteks pembangunan karakter bangsa diatas, Gerakan Pramuka juga memiliki Dasa Darma Pramuka. Prinsip itu mengandung 10 nilai yang patut dipraktekkan, yaitu takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Mahaesa, cinta alam dan kasih sayang sesama manusia, patriot yang sopan dan ksatria, patuh dan suka bermusyawarah, rela menolong dan tabah, rajin, trampil dan gembira. Nilai-nilai selanjutnya yaitu hemat, cermat dan bersahaja, disiplin, berani dan setia, bertanggungjawab dan dapat dipercaya, serta suci dalam pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatan.
Prinsip-prinsip diatas secara normatif memang baik dan mulia. Namun dalam rangka revitalisasi Gerakan Pramuka diatas, selain upaya mendorong agar segera dilakukan pembahasan terhadap RUU Gerakan Pramuka, perlu pula dilakukan langkah-langkah yang lebih berani dan progresif. Misalnya bisa melalui perubahan logo atau simbol sebagai bagian dalam penyegaran dan penguatan branding, pelibatan sebanyak mungkin komponen muda dalam pengurus ditingkat pusat (Kwarnas), atau bisa pula dengan memilih beberapa public figure yang terpercaya untuk menjadi duta Pramuka.
“Scout is Always Ahead”
Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.
Good Morning / afternoon / evening. (liat situasi)
The honorable judges, and my beloved friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks to our God ALLAH SWT the creator of everything in this universe for giving us a chance to gather in this place. Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely Islamic religion that we love.
Thanks for the opportunity that you given to me. In this good occasion, I would like to give a short speech about ‘Scout is Always Ahead’.
Let us interpret the deeper that scouts should be at the forefront of every life as a pioneer and role model. Do not even run away and hide if problems come off.
We know, today's younger generation is more likely to run away from the problem and avoid the challenges of life, the result when life is no longer friends with them, then the man will be very easy to fall, stress, upset and so on.
Life is not a mathematic equation that has a definitive results, life has many mysteries and problems that could sink us. Therefore, we must have the courage to live a life full of challenges. One way is to train yourself to always be at the forefront and feel for yourself how to make contact with the problem. Putting yourself into a scout is certainly not just a mere front, but also must ready physically and mentally to accept the risk and fight for these risks.
Success or not we are is not important, because the important thing is whether we have struggled with the full power and exemplary effort or not.
Indeed, not all thing can be done by scout, but every scout can certainly be leading the field of his work. We need scouts, and need to be a scouts because we need to keep upgrading our life. So, be a scout who is always ahead in allthings, because itindirectly can raise the pride of the young generation to be the scout.
Finally, I hope this speech can be useful for all of us.
Nasruminallah Wa Fathun Qareeb.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Morning everybody?
How are you?
The honorable judges, and my beloved friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks to our God ALLAH SWT the creator of everything in this universe for giving us a chance to gather in this place. Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely Islamic religion that we love.
Thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me. In this occasion, I would like to give a short speech about “The Importance of Scouts Education to Build Nation’s Character”.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all my beloved friends.
As we all know, scouts is the only organization that has assigned scouting education for children and young people of Indonesia. It was formed by merging nearly sixty scouting organizations with intentions to be a foundation of the nation’s unity and young generation’s character building.
But nowadays, young people are more interested in watching TV, playing games, and do other fun things, than joining scouts at school. Hence, they lose one of the media which can help build positive characters for them, as a young generation, and unfortunately, some of these kids begin to start smoking, become addicted to drugs, drinking alcohol and doing free sex activity. It’s truly ashamed for us as the future generation of this country, but that’s the reality we are now facing in this era of globalization.
This is why scouts education is important for us, because they have primary goals to build our character, instilling a sense of pride, as well as improve the skills of young people. By joining scouts we can learn together how to behave and be an excellent generation that have both good character and good personality.
Furthermore, scouts aim is to turn us to become loyal citizens that embrace the spirit of Pancasila and the love for our country, Indonesia. In scouts education, there is also a concept “The Among System” which says “Ing ngarso sung tulodho”, which means at the front we give a good example or a role model, “Ing madyo mangun karso” which means at the middle we have to build the initiative and cooperation, and the last “Tut wuri handayani” which means at the back we have to give motivations.
Finally, I would like to ask all of you to join and be active in the scouts’ education. Let this be our first step to be a better self for a better future.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalaamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Pidato bahasa inggris pramuka sebagai pembentuk karakter bangsa
This is a speech with the topic"Scout as the Nation character formers"
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Your excelences of the comitte. The honourable judges, teacher, and friends. In the name of Allah beneficent and mercifull all praises be to Allah all the mighty. Alhamdulilah because of his blessing particularly faith and health so we can be here in the good condition. Peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has led us from the darkness to the brightness.
Ladies and gentlemen...
First of all let me introduce my self my name ......
Today i would like to deliver a speech on the topic " scout as the Nation character formers"
Brothers and sisters...
Indonesian scout movement is the name of non-formal education organization providing education implemented in indonesia. The word scout is an abreviation of praja muda karana meaning the young people who love work. Scouting is a term of members of the scout movement, which inculdes; cub scout (7-10 years old), scout (11-15 years old), rover scout ( 16-20 years old), and rover senior ( 21-25 years old). Other group members are scoutmaster, mainstay scout, scout coach corps, the civil saka scout, staff kwartir, and assembly supervisor.
Brothers and sister...
Scouting is the outside education process that is fun and exciting. This activity is done in the outside with the basic principle and methods of scouting, which ultimately target the formation of character, morals, and manner sublime.
Here are the scout law:
1. Believe in god the all mighty
2. Preserve nature and love each other
3. Be an affable and knightly patriot
4. Be obedient and collegial
5. Help others with compliance and resiliance
6. Be diligent, skilled, and cheerful
7. Be provident and simple
8. Exercise disciplne, be brave and faithful
9. Be accountable and trustworthy
10. Have purity in mind word and act
From the ten scout law can form a leading generation, spirit, nationalism, love the nation, and skilled in order to be able to give big changes building in indonesia.
Ladies and gentlemen
I think that's all my speech. Thank you for your attention. May Allah accept our good deeds and forgive my mistake.
Usiikum wa nafsi bi taqwallah, Wallahul mafiq ila aqwamithariq
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Lainnya:
#11 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Pramuka dan Artinya
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Pramuka - Pidato bahasa inggris memang susah-susah mudah. Mudah bagi yang sudah mahir dan fasih berbahasa inggri, namun bagi yang belum paham bahasa inggris tentu akan merasa kesusahan, terlebih untuk menyusun kata-kata supaya terlihat rapi dan enak didengar. Nah kesempatan kali ini kita akan berbagi contoh teks pidato / naskah pidato berbahasa inggris dengan tema pramuka.Pidato Pramuka
Assalammualaikum Wr. wb
Greetings Scouts!
Dear Father and mother Board of coach, the honorable guests of the invitation, and sister–my sister is all I love and am proud of.
First of all let us praise and the presence of the Almighty God who has given grace, so that we can gather here in commemorating the day Scouting the 56 year 2017.
O sister–my sister next generation nation, we as youth Scout for a moment let us reflect on ourselves to understand the meaning and function of Scouting. Maybe this time we can only follow the Scout activities without knowing the meaning of the Scout actually is.
Scout itself comes from the word Praja Muda Karana which means a bunch of young kids who love to work. We as young people must be able to work by filling out the positive things in our lives, one of them with the Scout commemorates this time.
The Scout function that is essentially an activity of interest to a group of young children. Exciting activities here is not squandering activities and have fun, but exciting activities here is an activity that contains elements of education.
For the adult Scout activities are certainly not the one just filled with activities that are interesting and fun. But the Scouts themselves is an activity that required sincerity, willingness, and devotion in running it.
Therefore, the actual Scout function is an activity that is intended as a means of helping communities and organizations. So Scout activities during these exercises given by the Board of coach was only as a tool only and not for the purpose of his education.
Pat Scout … … … … … …
The purpose of the activities of the Scout actually is very precious to educate the young generation today to positive things with the basis and method of the Scout activities in accordance with the norms of the community.
In this way it will be retrieved a member of scouts that have morals, attitudes and manners that wise. It also will make the human being who has the soul of Pancasila, loyal and obedient to the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. So that we are the next generation of the nation will be useful and beneficial to the development of the nation and the State.
Before I end this speech, I told my sister to sister–so that we commemorate the day this Scout with the change for a better view of life, because of all the dreams that we hope can be realized if we become someone who is thoughtful and better than ever.
Greetings Scouts!
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Assalammualaikum Wr.wb
Salam Pramuka !
Yang terhormat Bapak dan Ibu Dewan Pembina Pramuka, yang terhormat para tamu undangan, dan adik-adik saya sekalian yang saya cintai dan saya banggakan.
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan Puja dan Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul disini dalam memperingati hari Pramuka yang ke-56 tahun 2017.
Wahai adik-adik saya generasi penerus bangsa, kita sebagai muda-mudi pramuka sejenak marilah kita merenungkan diri untuk memahami arti dan fungsi Pramuka yang sebenarnya. Mungkin selama ini kita hanya bisa mengikuti kegiatan pramuka saja tanpa mengetahui arti pramuka yang sebenarnya.
Pramuka itu sendiri berasal dari kata Praja Muda Karana yang mengandung arti sekumpulan anak-anak muda yang suka berkarya. Kita sebagai anak muda haruslah bisa berkarya dengan mengisi hal-hal yang positif didalam hidup kita, salah satunya dengan memperingati hari pramuka kali ini.
Pada dasarnya fungsi pramuka yaitu suatu kegiatan menarik bagi sekumpulan anak muda. Kegiatan menarik disini bukanlah kegiatan yang menghambur-hamburkan dan bersenang-senang saja, akan tetapi kegiatan menarik disini merupakan kegiatan yang mengandung unsur pndidikan.
Bagi para orang dewasa tentu kegiatan pramuka tidak lah hanya diisi dengan kegiatan yang menarik dan bersenang-senang saja. Akan tetapi pramuka sendiri merupakan kegiatan yang diperlukan keikhlasan, kerelaan, dan pengabdian dalam menjalankannya.
Oleh karena itu, fungsi pramuka yang sebenarnya ialah suatu kegiatan yang ditujukan sebagai alat membantu masyarakat dan organisasi. Jadi latihan kegiatan pramuka selama ini yang diberikan oleh dewan pembina pramuka hanya sebagai alat saja dan bukan untuk tujuan pendidikannya.
Tepuk Pramuka………………
Tujuan kegiatan pramuka yang sebenarnya sangatlah mulia yakni untuk mendidik generasi muda jaman sekarang ke hal-hal positif dengan adanya dasar dan metode kegiatan pramuka yang sesuai dengan norma-norma masyarakat yang berlaku.
Dengan begini maka akan diperoleh suatu anggota pramuka yang memiliki moral, mental dan budi pekerti yang bijaksana. Selain itu juga akan menjadikan manusia yang memiliki jiwa Pancasila, setia dan patuh kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Sehingga kita para generasi penerus bangsa akan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pembangunan bangsa dan negara.
Sebelum saya akhiri pidato ini, saya berpesan kepada adik-adik saya agar kita memperingati hari Pramuka ini dengan mengubah pandangan hidup yang lebih baik lagi, karena semua mimpi yang kita harapkan bisa terwujud jika kita menjadi seseorang yang bijaksana dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Salam Pramuka !
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb
Building a Character nation in boy scout movement
Assalamu alaikum WR.WB
Often we hear the criticism that the nation lacked character. Culture of mutual cooperation, togetherness, persistent, hospitality and so the first we hear in lessons at school the more difficult we find in reality. Conversely, which appears on the surface is negative phenomena. Violence, mass rage, riots, corruption, and so on adding more and more blurred the face of the nation.
Therefore, development is now necessary to revitalize the nation's character like a character, competitive, noble, and moral. Next is a character cooperate, patriotic, and culturally dynamic and oriented towards science and technology. Young people as the heir to the land shall inherit the characters above.
To make it happen, for example, can be through the activity of the Scout Movement. Scouting educational method is an interactive teaching-learning process, which is carried out in the open air in the form of the game is challenging, interesting and fun. This process is carried out in groups in separate units, to be competitive and apply the skills sign system.
In the context of the above character development, the Scout Movement Boy Scouts also have the Dasa Darma. Principle it contains 10 values that should be practiced, namely piety to God Almighty, love of nature and human affection, the courteous and knightly patriot, submissive and likes to confabulate, willing to help and steadfast, diligent, skilled and happy. Subsequent values of thrift, careful and humble, disciplined, brave and loyal, responsible and trustworthy, and the pure in thought, word and deed.
These principles are normatively good and noble. But in order to revitalize the Scout Movement, other efforts to push for immediate discussion of the Scout Movement Bill, should also be done step by step more bold and progressive. For instance could be through changes in the logo or symbol as part of the refreshment and strengthening branding, involving as many young component in the management at the central (Kwarnas), or else by selecting some of the trusted public figure to become ambassador Scouts.
Membangun Karakter bangsa dalam gerakan pramuka
Assalamu alaikum WR.WB
Sering kita mendengar kritik bahwa bangsa ini dianggap kurang memiliki karakter. Budaya gotong royong, kebersamaan, gigih, keramahtamahan dan seterusnya yang dulu kita dengar dalam pelajaran di sekolah makin sulit kita temukan dalam kenyataan. Sebaliknya, yang muncul dipermukaan adalah fenomena-fenomena negatif. Kekerasan, amuk massa, kericuhan, korupsi, dan seterusnya makin menambah buram wajah bangsa.
Oleh karena itulah, kini perlu dilakukan revitalisasi pembangunan karakter bangsa seperti karakter tangguh, kompetitif, berakhlak mulia, bermoral, dan bertoleran. Selanjutnya adalah karakter bergotong-royong, patriotik, dinamis dan berbudaya dan berorientasi kepada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kaum muda sebagai pewaris negeri harus mewarisi karakter diatas.
Untuk mewujudkannya, misalnya dapat melalui aktifitas dalam Gerakan Pramuka. Metoda pendidikan kepramukaan adalah proses belajar mengajar yang interaktif dan progresif, yaitu dilaksanakan di alam terbuka dalam bentuk permainan yang menantang, menarik dan menyenangkan. Proses ini dilakukan secara berkelompok dalam satuan terpisah, bersifat kompetitif dan menerapkan sistem tanda kecakapan.
Dalam konteks pembangunan karakter bangsa diatas, Gerakan Pramuka juga memiliki Dasa Darma Pramuka. Prinsip itu mengandung 10 nilai yang patut dipraktekkan, yaitu takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Mahaesa, cinta alam dan kasih sayang sesama manusia, patriot yang sopan dan ksatria, patuh dan suka bermusyawarah, rela menolong dan tabah, rajin, trampil dan gembira. Nilai-nilai selanjutnya yaitu hemat, cermat dan bersahaja, disiplin, berani dan setia, bertanggungjawab dan dapat dipercaya, serta suci dalam pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatan.
Prinsip-prinsip diatas secara normatif memang baik dan mulia. Namun dalam rangka revitalisasi Gerakan Pramuka diatas, selain upaya mendorong agar segera dilakukan pembahasan terhadap RUU Gerakan Pramuka, perlu pula dilakukan langkah-langkah yang lebih berani dan progresif. Misalnya bisa melalui perubahan logo atau simbol sebagai bagian dalam penyegaran dan penguatan branding, pelibatan sebanyak mungkin komponen muda dalam pengurus ditingkat pusat (Kwarnas), atau bisa pula dengan memilih beberapa public figure yang terpercaya untuk menjadi duta Pramuka.
“Scout is Always Ahead”
Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.
Good Morning / afternoon / evening. (liat situasi)
The honorable judges, and my beloved friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks to our God ALLAH SWT the creator of everything in this universe for giving us a chance to gather in this place. Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely Islamic religion that we love.
Thanks for the opportunity that you given to me. In this good occasion, I would like to give a short speech about ‘Scout is Always Ahead’.
Let us interpret the deeper that scouts should be at the forefront of every life as a pioneer and role model. Do not even run away and hide if problems come off.
We know, today's younger generation is more likely to run away from the problem and avoid the challenges of life, the result when life is no longer friends with them, then the man will be very easy to fall, stress, upset and so on.
Life is not a mathematic equation that has a definitive results, life has many mysteries and problems that could sink us. Therefore, we must have the courage to live a life full of challenges. One way is to train yourself to always be at the forefront and feel for yourself how to make contact with the problem. Putting yourself into a scout is certainly not just a mere front, but also must ready physically and mentally to accept the risk and fight for these risks.
Success or not we are is not important, because the important thing is whether we have struggled with the full power and exemplary effort or not.
Indeed, not all thing can be done by scout, but every scout can certainly be leading the field of his work. We need scouts, and need to be a scouts because we need to keep upgrading our life. So, be a scout who is always ahead in allthings, because itindirectly can raise the pride of the young generation to be the scout.
Finally, I hope this speech can be useful for all of us.
Nasruminallah Wa Fathun Qareeb.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Morning everybody?
How are you?
The honorable judges, and my beloved friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks to our God ALLAH SWT the creator of everything in this universe for giving us a chance to gather in this place. Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely Islamic religion that we love.
Thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me. In this occasion, I would like to give a short speech about “The Importance of Scouts Education to Build Nation’s Character”.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all my beloved friends.
As we all know, scouts is the only organization that has assigned scouting education for children and young people of Indonesia. It was formed by merging nearly sixty scouting organizations with intentions to be a foundation of the nation’s unity and young generation’s character building.
But nowadays, young people are more interested in watching TV, playing games, and do other fun things, than joining scouts at school. Hence, they lose one of the media which can help build positive characters for them, as a young generation, and unfortunately, some of these kids begin to start smoking, become addicted to drugs, drinking alcohol and doing free sex activity. It’s truly ashamed for us as the future generation of this country, but that’s the reality we are now facing in this era of globalization.
This is why scouts education is important for us, because they have primary goals to build our character, instilling a sense of pride, as well as improve the skills of young people. By joining scouts we can learn together how to behave and be an excellent generation that have both good character and good personality.
Furthermore, scouts aim is to turn us to become loyal citizens that embrace the spirit of Pancasila and the love for our country, Indonesia. In scouts education, there is also a concept “The Among System” which says “Ing ngarso sung tulodho”, which means at the front we give a good example or a role model, “Ing madyo mangun karso” which means at the middle we have to build the initiative and cooperation, and the last “Tut wuri handayani” which means at the back we have to give motivations.
Finally, I would like to ask all of you to join and be active in the scouts’ education. Let this be our first step to be a better self for a better future.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalaamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Pidato bahasa inggris pramuka sebagai pembentuk karakter bangsa
This is a speech with the topic"Scout as the Nation character formers"
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Your excelences of the comitte. The honourable judges, teacher, and friends. In the name of Allah beneficent and mercifull all praises be to Allah all the mighty. Alhamdulilah because of his blessing particularly faith and health so we can be here in the good condition. Peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has led us from the darkness to the brightness.
Ladies and gentlemen...
First of all let me introduce my self my name ......
Today i would like to deliver a speech on the topic " scout as the Nation character formers"
Brothers and sisters...
Indonesian scout movement is the name of non-formal education organization providing education implemented in indonesia. The word scout is an abreviation of praja muda karana meaning the young people who love work. Scouting is a term of members of the scout movement, which inculdes; cub scout (7-10 years old), scout (11-15 years old), rover scout ( 16-20 years old), and rover senior ( 21-25 years old). Other group members are scoutmaster, mainstay scout, scout coach corps, the civil saka scout, staff kwartir, and assembly supervisor.
Brothers and sister...
Scouting is the outside education process that is fun and exciting. This activity is done in the outside with the basic principle and methods of scouting, which ultimately target the formation of character, morals, and manner sublime.
Here are the scout law:
1. Believe in god the all mighty
2. Preserve nature and love each other
3. Be an affable and knightly patriot
4. Be obedient and collegial
5. Help others with compliance and resiliance
6. Be diligent, skilled, and cheerful
7. Be provident and simple
8. Exercise disciplne, be brave and faithful
9. Be accountable and trustworthy
10. Have purity in mind word and act
From the ten scout law can form a leading generation, spirit, nationalism, love the nation, and skilled in order to be able to give big changes building in indonesia.
Ladies and gentlemen
I think that's all my speech. Thank you for your attention. May Allah accept our good deeds and forgive my mistake.
Usiikum wa nafsi bi taqwallah, Wallahul mafiq ila aqwamithariq
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Lainnya:
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