
#17 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green dan Artinya

Bicara tentang #17 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green dan Artinya adalah hal yang cukup menarik, terlebih untuk anda yang memang sedang mencari #17 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green dan Artinya. Nah kami sudah menyiapkan berbagai macam contoh pidato bahasa inggris, dengan bermacam-macam tema, mulai dari pidato perpisahan, pidato tema pendidikan, pidato tema lingkungan dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Pidato adalah kegiatan atau tindakan berbicara didepan umum untuk menyatakan pendapat atau memberikan gambaran tentang sesuatu hal. Pidato yang baik dapat memberikan kesan positif bagi orang yang mendengarnya, maka dalam berpidato dibutuhkan kepandaian dalam menyusun kata-kata dan isi supaya dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para pendengar. Namun bila kita diharuskan menyampaikan pidato berbahasa inggris tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah, itu sebabnya kami menyediakan contoh teks atau naskah pidato berbahasa inggris untuk Anda yang membutuhkannya.

#17 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green dan Artinya

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green - Pidato bahasa inggris go green memaparkan tentang suatu gerakan penghijauan di seluruh dunia contohnya dengan gerakan menanam 1000 phon (plant 1000 of trees). Gerakan ini timbul akibat hutan berkurang secara drastis dan mengakibatkan berbagai bencana yang tentunya sangat merugikan manusia maupun dunia.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green - Pidato bahasa inggris go green memaparkan tentang suatu gerakan penghijauan di seluruh dunia contohnya dengan gerakan menanam 1000 phon (plant 1000 of trees). Gerakan ini timbul akibat hutan berkurang secara drastis dan mengakibatkan berbagai bencana yang tentunya sangat merugikan manusia maupun dunia.

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Go Green – Plant 1000 of Trees
Fomentation to Plant 1000 of Trees

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

With due all the respect to the honorable audience attending,
As we all know that this world has been getting hotter over time. Do you feel that the sun light’s heat is getting intense and night is getting colder? Now, those things happen due to the humans’ greed. As the result, the world has become to suffer in pain.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Go Green - Plant 1000 of TreesWe all must have witnessed in almost every mass-media, either printed-media or electronic-media, the illegal logging has raised a row, the damages and devastations of forests occur anywhere. Even so, the government appears to keep silent. They seem to be unable to deal with a great crime that obviously is executed on the front of their eyes.

We must open our eyes to how great the danger this world has been dealing with. The world is getting extreme in heat, fire disasters occur anywhere, and thick smoke is covering many residences and making everyone have trouble to breath and a great constraint to run the activities.
By the increase of Earth’s heat, the snows and icebergs in South and North Poles have started melting down. Thus, then the end of the world is said near already. We all would be drowned by the deluge and flood of water that comes from the melted-down great icebergs in Pole areas.

Indonesia is said to be the emerald of equator due to its greenness and prosperity. However, now Indonesia has started to lose the emerald and all the images. All behind this is none other than the greedy people who plunder our trees as they wish. They really are irresponsible and don’t have any idea of what misfortune they are creating.

Do we have to stay closing our eyes or pretending that we are blind after all? Do we still have a heart to care for the nature? For those reasons, started from our own selves, we need to fully realize and begin to encourage our families and friends to plant the trees, at least by planting them on our closest surroundings, namely our home.

So does every government’s chief, company’s chief, or other instances, to appeal all of their people to plant the trees. Government needs to compulsorily make the laws that every corporation is obligated to perform the program of tree-planting. This thing is more effective since they would worry their sanctions they would get if they don’t perform the program.

I hope we all realize on how important this tree-planting program, for our own selves, for our children and grandchildren, for our nation and for the sake of world. One tree planted by every people in Indonesia then thousand-millions of trees will be planted.

I wish this fomentation reminds and realizes us all to the effects of global warming so that our awareness to care for our environment, our forests, would rise up.

That’s all the speech I could convey. Please forgive me for my mistakes on my words. Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris Go Green – Menanam 1000 Pohon
Anjuran Menanam 1000 Pohon

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa dunia ini sudah semakin panas, apakah kita merasa bahwa sinar matahari semakin terik dan malam hari semakin dingin. Kini hal itu terjadi disebabkan karena keserakahan manusia. Akibatnya dunia menjadi menderita dan kesakitan.

Kita menyaksikan di hampir setiap media baik media cetak maupun media elektronik, ilegallogging semakin mengganas, pengrusakan hutan terjadi dimana- mana. Pemerintah sepertinya bungkam dan berdiam diri. Tidak mampu mengatasi kejahatan besar yang nyata-nyata sedang dilakukan di depan mata.

Kita menyadari betapa besar bahaya yang dihadapi dunia ini. Dunia semakin panas, kebakaran disana-sini, Asap tebal menutupi berbagai pemukiman yang membuat sesak untuk bernafas dan kendala besar untuk beraktivitas.

Dengan meningkatnya panas bumi bisa jadi salju dan gunung es yang ada di kutub akan mencair. Jika demikian maka alamat kiamat semakin dekat. Kita semua akan terendam oleh limpasan air yang berasal dari mencairnya gunung- gunung di wilayah kutub.

Indonesia yang dibilang sebagai zamrud khatulistiwa karena kehijauan dan
kesuburannya kini hampir kehilangan zamrudnya dan citranya. Ini tiada lain karena tangan orang serakah yang merampok pohon-pohon kita. Mereka sungguh tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak tahu petaka yang sedang mereka tanam.

Apakah kita terus hanya menutup mata dan pura-pura buta??? Masihkah hati nurani kita peduli terhadap alam? Karenanya mari mulai dari diri sendiri untuk menyadari sepenuhnya dan mulai mengajak saudara-saudara dan teman-teman kita untuk menanam pohon, minimalnya dilingkungan kita terdekat yaitu rumah kita.

Begitupun para pimpinan pemerintah, pimpinan perusahaan maupun instansi untuk menghimbau kepada seluruh jajarannya untuk menanam pohon. Pemerintah wajib membuat undang-undang bahwa setiap perusahaan diwajibkan melakukan program tanam pohon. Ini tentu lebih efektif karena mereka khawatir akan sangsi yang akan diterimanya jika ini tidak dilakukan.

Semoga kita semua menyadari betapa pentingnya program tanam pohon ini. Demi diri sendiri, demi anak dan cucu, demi negara dan demi dunia. Satu pohon yang ditanam oleh seluruh penduduk Indonesia makapuluhan jutaan pohon akan tertanam.

Semoga himbauan ini mengingatkan kita dan menyadarkan kita akan dampak dari pemanasan global sehingga bangkit kesadaran kita untuk menjaga lingkungan kita, menjaga hutan kita.

Sekian uraian yang bisa saya sampaikan. Mohon maaf jika ada kata yang kurang berkenan.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris (Tema: Go Green)

Lets Go Green!!


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen Good Morning!!

First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen.

In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme Go Green!


Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned. These impacts are causing a new problem, The Global Warming. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1 every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.

The situation was very different if we looked back to the last century where the pollution, the industrial garbage, and the toxin gases were friendlier. Friendlier, because on the 19th Century the technologies improvement and the consumerism character was not yet significant. Or should we say in this millennium era, the Earth exploitation and exploration were causing the crucial problem for the earthlings.

How crucial the earth environmental problems we face are for example: The protected animals & plants from certain species nearly extinct, the plantation sector is causing another problem for environment & ecosystem, forest logging without reboization, and the impact of mines exploitation that cannot be recycled and maintenance of mine sector, etc. For us, the youth generation is asking to the politicians and the government especially in Indonesia, Why do those problems I mentioned left uncared without any preventive actions? In fact, our ex-Minister of Environment of Orde Baru era Prof. Dr. Emil Salim has warned and gave us an opinion about will happen on the next 20 years. He said that the situation will be dangerous if there are no actions to prevent this. We need the proactive steps to maintain the nature and to rehabilitee what we have disrupted from every department that is connected with the environmental cases and our community. The example about the impact of humans greed to the nature is The Lapindo Brantas case. Thats how the nature shows us their power. Theres not even one human could stand against the power of nature. Until now, there are no ways to stop the mud throwing and even the poisonous gases that is unwanted by the people.

We as the khalifah of the Earth can only begging, begging, and begging to the nature and destroy the nature. But when we must give something to the nature or maintain the nature, we feel that we dont want to! Is the nature retaliating our doings? When we think deeply over this I guess the answer is yes, the nature is angry to us. The natures balance was really disturbed by the mortals hands and this behavior has spread widely over the world because of our hedonism.

The question is How? How do we realize collectively for the worlds life so that so that the Earth could become a better place to live?

We as the youth generations, the lines of the civilization must be as one to create the vision & mission to help the government and the people for watching over the reboization program and for the environment reparation that is caused by the industrialist and the people generally wherever they are. We as the youth generation without exception must be totally devote our bodies & wills for the sake of healthy world, comfortable world, and for the sake of better place to live

I suggest to the government and the people of Indonesia to plant the cambium plants or the pot plants on every one of the house garden. Everyone, every people must be responsible for every single of plants. Imagine! If every people have 1 plant in one house, there are 200 millions of plants in Indonesia. This is a very good step to begin our mission to prevent the Global Warming. Start this on any time now! For my recommendation, the sansivieras (one of the most beautiful pot plant) is really good to kept because of its great use of anti-pollutant & anti-free radical. Besides, its beauty will decorate our house so that we wont feel bad to buy it.


Well, I guess thats all I can tell. In the end, to show our devotion as the youngish, the lines to the future, we must be balanced it with faith and taqwa because those are our capitol to realize our wishes so that we can live in perfect harmony just as Allah SWT has confirmed to us.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Lets Go Green!!


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Dengan segala hormat dan karunia NYA, untuk guru dan semua penonton di sini, ladies and gentlemen … Good Morning! Pertama-tama, mari kita bersyukur kepada Allah SWT karena berkat-Nya, kita semua dapat berkumpul di sini pada pagi ini cerah. Shalawat dan doa, kita akan berkata kepada nabi terbesar kita Muhammad SAW, keluarganya, teman-temannya dan para pengikutnya. Amin. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya ingin memberitahu Anda pidato saya yang memiliki tema "Go Green!"

Menyelamatkan Planet Kita adalah sebuah program yang membujuk penduduk dunia sehingga mereka akan menjadi lebih concern dan peduli terhadap lingkungan seluruh mereka. Itu karena peradaban yang telah dibuat oleh orang-orang modern di era milenium telah terkena dampak merusak begitu banyak yang benar-benar perlu khawatir. Dampak tersebut menyebabkan masalah baru, "Pemanasan Global". Dalam prediksi, bahwa dalam 100 tahun terakhir suhu planet kita telah meningkat setiap tahun 1 ‘. Sementara itu, permukaan laut telah meningkat selama sekitar 1 meter dari tingkat bekas. Masalahnya adalah, orang modern tidak hanya ingin meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka, tetapi juga meningkatkan tingkat hidup mereka nyaman & mewah.

Situasi ini sangat berbeda jika kita melihat kembali ke abad lalu dimana polusi, sampah industri, dan gas racun yang ramah. Ramah, karena pada abad 19 peningkatan teknologi dan karakter konsumerisme belum signifikan. Atau harus kita katakan di era milenium, eksploitasi bumi dan eksplorasi yang menyebabkan masalah penting bagi penduduk dunia.

Betapa pentingnya masalah lingkungan bumi yang kita hadapi adalah untuk contoh: satwa dilindungi & tanaman dari spesies tertentu hampir punah, sektor perkebunan yang menyebabkan masalah lain bagi lingkungan & ekosistem, pembalakan hutan tanpa reboisasi, dan dampak eksploitasi tambang yang tidak dapat didaur ulang dan pemeliharaan sektor tambang, dll Bagi kami, generasi pemuda adalah meminta untuk para politisi dan pemerintah khususnya di Indonesia, "Mengapa masalah-masalah yang saya sebutkan meninggalkan terabaikan tanpa ada tindakan preventif?" Bahkan, kami mantan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dari "Orde Baru" era Prof Dr Emil Salim telah memperingatkan dan memberi kami pendapat tentang akan terjadi pada 20 tahun mendatang. Dia mengatakan bahwa situasi akan berbahaya jika tidak ada tindakan untuk mencegah hal ini.

Kita membutuhkan langkah-langkah proaktif untuk memelihara alam dan untuk rehabilitee apa yang kita telah terganggu dari setiap departemen yang berhubungan dengan kasus lingkungan dan komunitas kita. Contoh tentang dampak keserakahan manusia terhadap alam adalah The Lapindo Brantas kasus. Itulah cara alam menunjukkan kita kekuasaan mereka. Tidak ada satu pun manusia dapat bertahan melawan kekuatan alam. Sampai saat ini, tidak ada cara untuk menghentikan lumpur dan bahkan melemparkan gas beracun yang tidak diinginkan oleh rakyat.

Kami sebagai khalifah bumi hanya bisa mengemis, mengemis, dan mengemis dengan sifat dan merusak alam. Tetapi ketika kita harus memberikan sesuatu untuk alam atau mempertahankan alam, kita merasa bahwa kita tidak mau! Apakah sifat membalas perbuatan kita? Ketika kita berpikir secara mendalam selama ini saya kira jawabannya adalah "ya", alam marah kepada kita. Saldo alam benar-benar terganggu oleh tangan manusia dan perilaku ini telah menyebar luas di dunia karena hedonisme kami.

Pertanyaannya adalah "Bagaimana"? Bagaimana kita sadari bersama untuk hidup di dunia sehingga sehingga Bumi dapat menjadi tempat yang lebih baik untuk hidup …?

Kita sebagai generasi muda, garis peradaban harus sebagai salah satu untuk menciptakan visi & misi untuk membantu pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk mengawasi program reboisasi dan untuk pemulihan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh pengusaha dan masyarakat umum di manapun mereka. Kami sebagai generasi muda tanpa kecuali harus benar-benar mencurahkan tubuh kita & wasiat demi dunia sehat, dunia nyaman, dan demi tempat yang lebih baik untuk hidup …

Saya menyarankan kepada pemerintah dan rakyat Indonesia untuk menanam tanaman kambium atau tanaman pot pada setiap salah satu taman rumah. Setiap orang, setiap orang harus bertanggung jawab untuk setiap satu tanaman. Bayangkan! Jika setiap orang memiliki 1 pabrik di satu rumah, ada 200 jutaan tanaman di Indonesia. Ini adalah langkah yang sangat baik untuk memulai misi kami untuk mencegah Pemanasan Global. Mulai ini pada setiap saat sekarang! Untuk rekomendasi saya, sansivieras (salah satu tanaman pot yang paling indah) benar-benar baik untuk disimpan karena penggunaan yang besar anti-polutan & anti-radikal bebas. Selain itu, keindahannya akan menghiasi rumah kita sehingga kita tidak akan merasa buruk untuk membelinya.


Yah, kurasa itu semua bisa saya katakan. Pada akhirnya, untuk menunjukkan pengabdian kami sebagai masih muda, garis ke masa depan, kita harus seimbang dengan iman dan taqwa karena mereka adalah ibukota kami untuk mewujudkan keinginan kita sehingga kita dapat hidup dalam harmoni yang sempurna seperti Allah SWT telah dikonfirmasi kepada kami.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.


Opportunity so that today I can stand in this place to bring a simple speech entitled Towards Go Green, save our earth

Ladies and Gentlemen, start my speech.

First of all I want to ask something. Had we experienced a very drastic weather changes on Earth? Yes? Of course the answer is yes. The changes caused by the rising temperature of the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun are free to enter the earth's surface. Indiscriminate ultraviolet rays because the protective layer of the Earth's atmosphere or the so-called ozone depleting. Ozone itself is formed by oxygen gas (O2) that is produced by plants.

Thus automatically plant is instrumental in protecting and saving our planet. In addition, at the end of this month-end phenomenon occurred very surprising that the fall of a meteorite to the Earth's surface in Russia. Well, it certainly allows us to think about what the cause of that event. Possible causes there are two, the first since the size of the meteor is very large so that the atmosphere is difficult to burn.

And secondly because of the depletion layer of the atmosphere, including ozone so that only small portions of meteor burning.

Ladies and Gentlemen, know this. Surely we must preserve and care for the plants efficiently.

Plants are the lungs of the world and a very important role in saving our planet. As a producer of oxygen, plants can turn a man for 10 years. And assist in balancing the natural ecosystem. Therefore let us towards a life go green by planting vegetation at least 5 in each house, as well as care for and maintain the viability of the plants around us. Go green this life can start in your home environment, even in the school environment.

If you are familiar, and effective automatically go green living implemented in the school environment can be applied in other schools up to the scope of the wider community and even the world.

In addition to planting plants there are also some things that need to be done to reduce global warming, namely,

1. Do not throw litter

Littering is often done by many people. Though littering can increase global warming, such as taking out the trash in the river. What consequences? As a result of throwing garbage in the river was flooded. Well, that did not happen like that, do not litter.

2. Do not burn trash

Burning garbage is not a good way to get rid of trash. If we burn garbage, the smoke can damage the ozone layer. When the ozone layer damaged, ultraviolet rays can enter Earth excessive and its impact will affect the living beings.

3. Turn off lights or electronics when not needed

This can reduce the addition of electricity and increase the cost of electricity.

Surely all these things it is better to save our earth, because the safety of our planet is dependent on the man himself.

Let be a man who loves their ground, with the heading Go green to save our earth.

Such a speech from me, may be useful for us all. We are sorry if there are errors the word or words that are less pleasing because it is perfectly belongs only to the Creator.

In conclusion let me thank you.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings


Pidato ini memang sederhana, tapi Insya Allah bermanfaat buat sahabat semua dalam mengkampanyekan lingkungan yang sehat nan segar di masyarakat. Berikut naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Ladies and gentlemen with all due respect to the teachers here attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone!
First of all, let’s thank Allah SWT because his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we send to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen.

Friends, the best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources of the Earth.” That is what architect Frank Lloyd Wright said.

Trees are indeed the symbol of peace, serenity, and prosperity. In some researches prove that one hectare of green open space that is filled with big trees produces 0,6 tons of oxygen for 1.500 people a day and absorbs 2,5 tons of carbon dioxide every year. 6 kilogram of carbon dioxide in each tree a year would 900 meters cubic ground water, transfers water 4.000 liters a day, decrease the temperature by 5 – 8 degrees Celsius, muffle noises by 25 – 80 percent, and reduce wind power by 75 – 80 percent.

From that explanation it’s ascertained that trees are very useful for human. Oddly, why does human won’t understand? An ironic real example is a major wood logging that contributes twenty percent pollution caused by the obstructed carbon dioxide absorption. Forest defoliation that doesn’t follow rules made erosion and wildlife extinction a major problem for environmental preservation

Since the issue of globalism and modernization sounded, countries compete to beautify their own country. All the area is converted into the magnificent and high classy buildings. Technology which is too over, the sophistication which is too revolutionary make the longer growing tree extinct. Earth like breathing in the mud, tightness! Is it too difficult to see a realize the fact? Hasn’t the fact already shown itself bluntly? The hotter earth, the holes ozone layer, the increases global warming, the spreading flood and pollution becomes insoluble problems, and people keep stay on egos. Isn’t enough, guys? Will we be just like immoral man, let the earth dying?

Friends, remember, human was made by God with mind and conscience. They are hoped to become the leader for nature, which is God’s mandate to human. But now look at that fact?

Man has got rid of their conscience. Stick the root of individualism deep in their heart. Discard their hearing far away until they are unable to hear the scream and cry of nature. Close their eyes, deflect it against nature’s ruin, destroyed, with no trace.

Friends, there is little hope for this earth. Expectations that can make earth return to smile. Behind the deterioration of mind, there are few humans who still have a conscience. Their ears still hear the screams of nature. Their eyes were still wide open to see a reality. And their hearts still can feel the nature grievance. Friends, do you want to know who are they?

Listen to me very carefully. That’s you. YOURSELVES. Yes, you’re the small but a bright hope that will grow into a great light. A light in the darkness!

Friends, actually it is just easy for you but it’s great for nature. You just to do protect trees, live it, give it the freedom to protect earth and make it smile. Don’t let any government program aground in the middle of the way, one man one tree, its means one man for one breath of life. Support with real action. Because today’s concern, for something better in the future.

Well, I guess that’s all I can tell. Come on, Friends! Let’s make this earth greener! Go green, guys!

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, who has given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentleman, to celebrate an annual event of Earth Day, I would like to deliver a speech about “Environment”.

Environment where we live is very important for us. Why? Because, our environment is the place where we do all of our activities. That’s why we need to keep our environment clean and comfortable. Keeping the environment can be started from small things like, throwing rubbish in its place, cleaning our homes and much more.

Nowadays, the awareness of maintaining cleanliness of the environment is very concerning. There are so many people that don’t realize the important of environment. They keep throwing rubbish not in proper place. They also cutting trees without doing the reforestation. Those action make our environment getting worse.

Ladies and gentleman, in this good occasion I would like to ask all of you to keep our environment to be in good condition. Therefore, let’s us start from the very little thing: throwing rubbish in its place.

That is all my speech. I hope my brief speech about the environment will be useful for us. I am sorry for some mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Sebelum saya menyampaikan pidato saya, saya ingin mengajak para hadirin sekalian untuk memanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena hidayahnya lah kita dapat berkumpul di sini. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa kita panjatkan kepada Nabi besar kita Muhammad SAW yang telah membimbing kita dari kegelapan menuju jalan yang benar.

Para hadirin sekalian, untuk merayakan hari Bumi, saya ingin menyampaikan sebuah pidato tentang “Lingkungan”.

Lingkungan tempat kita tinggal sangatlah penting bagi kita. Mengapa? Karena, lingkungan kita adalah tempat dimana kita melakukan segala aktifitas. Karena itulah kita harus menjaga lingkungan kita agar tetap bersih dan nyaman. Menjaga lingkungan kita bisa kita mulai dari hal-hal kecil seperti, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, membersihkan rumah, dan masih banyak lagi.

Saat ini, kepedulian untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sangatlah memprihatinkan. Ada banyak orang yang tidak menyadari pentingnya sebuah lingkungan. Mereka terus membuang sampah tidak pada tempatnya. Banyak juga orang yang menebang pohong tanpa menanam kembali atau reboisasi. Tindakan-tindakan seperti itu yang membuat lingkungan kita menjadi lebih buruk.

Para hadirin sekalian, dikesempatan yang baik ini saya ingin mengajak anda semua untuk menjaga agar lingkungan kita tetap dikondisi yang baik. Karena itu, marilah kita memulai dari hal yang sangat kecil: membuang sampah pada tempatnya.

Demikianlah pidato saya. Saya harap pidato yang singkat ini dapat berguna bagi kita semua. Saya minta maaf jika terdapat kesalahan. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Respectable Mr. H. Tarya Sukamana as Head Master High School Of SMA N 1 RENGASDENGKLOK

Honorable Miss Tati as English Teacher

And all happy brother and sister
Firstly, let’s thank to our God Allah swt who has been giving us blessing and mercies  so we can come here in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad saw who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness from stupidity  to the cleverness.
All ladies and gentlemen
On this good opportunity, I RIMAYU HASANAH as student XI sain 4. Would present my speech , under the title ‘’ GO GREEN’’.
All ladies and gentlemen

God has given natural resources to our beloved country Indonesia. One of the natural resources and biodiversity of our country is one country that is rich in natural resources and the country got the nickname as an agricultural country and the world's largest archipelagic country. But still many people who are indifferent to the award. For example, doing a wild forest. But the act will affect the balance of the ecosystem of plants and it will reduce the natural resources of our country, especially in the biological resources.
All ladies and gentlemen
So we do not do illegal deforestation because the act would only damage the ecosystem and it will also lead to global warming and air pollution due to excessive population growth is reduced due to illegal deforestation.
Before I end this speech I call on you to love all kinds of plants and treat the good of all plants ada.dan I urge to you to plant a crop at least one person.

Save the environment for a better tomorrow.

That is what I can deliver in this chance and thank you very much for you attention

Asalamu'alaikum wr.wb         

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Lainnya:

Itulah #17 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Go Green dan Artinya, yang dapat kami sampaikan. Kami berharap contoh-contoh pidato yang kami muat dapat bermanfaat untuk Anda semua para pembaca yang sedang mencari contoh pidato berbahasa inggris. Kami menyadari bahwa contoh-contoh pidato bahasa inggris dari kami masih jauh dari kata sempurna, untuk itu kami mengundang Anda untuk memberikan saran dan kritik demi kemajuan blog ini. Kritik dan saran bisa disampaikan kepada kami melalui kolom KONTAK.

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